Singing Guide: Ozzy Osbourne feat. Elton John

Singing Guide: Ozzy Osbourne feat. Elton John

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

For decades, Ozzy Osbourne has been regarded as one of the most iconic metal frontmen in the world. His unique vocal style combines elements of blues, metal, and rock, and has inspired countless singers to emulate his approach.

One of the most distinctive features of Osbourne's vocal style is his use of vibrato. This technique is essential in adding depth and emotion to his performances, particularly in ballads like "Mama, I'm Coming Home" and "Dreamer."

To emulate Osbourne's vibrato, it's essential to develop good breath control. Singers can start by taking deep breaths from the diaphragm and exhaling slowly while singing long, sustained notes. Vocal warm-ups and exercises like the ones provided by Singing Carrots can help strengthen the muscles necessary for proper breath control.

In addition to vibrato, another key element of Osbourne's vocal style is his use of a rasp or growl, especially when performing harder rock songs like "Crazy Train." This technique is known as "vocal distortion" and can be achieved by constricting the vocal cords while singing.

However, it's important to approach this technique with caution, as excessive use of vocal distortion can cause damage to the vocal cords. Singers should always start with gentle distortion exercises and work their way up gradually to more intense sounds.

One of the most famous collaborations featuring Ozzy Osbourne is "Ordinary Man," a song from his album of the same name that features Elton John. The song showcases Osbourne's softer side and his ability to convey pure emotion, particularly in the song's powerful chorus.

To learn how to sing like Ozzy Osbourne, it is recommended to take Singing Carrots' singing course for beginners, which covers singing theory and practical tips as well as their pitch training which can help with developing the needed techniques to sing like him.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.